1th Annual Feeding The Heart Food Drive

Have you heard of Feeding the Heart Food Drive? For the past 11 years, my team and I have organized & collect food that benefits those in need in our community. Throughout the years, we have collected thousands and thousands of pounds of food for the Bremerton Foodline.

Did You Know?

The Bremerton Foodline serves all of Kitsap and North Mason Counties. Last year, with the support of people like you, we were able to process over 1,000,000 pounds of food and distributed it amongst our needy friends and neighbors. Along with our distribution program, we maintain a warehouse where those in need are welcome to shop. Our warehouse is stocked with both perishable and non-perishable foods.
Currently, the Bremerton Foodline serves 2500 individuals or over 900 households every month. The makeup of these families is 49% adults, 21% seniors, and 30% children. To run our programs effectively and efficiently it takes over 600 volunteers to put in 12,000 hours yearly. These are all people giving from the heart to help their neighbors in need.
In the active state of emergency and school closures, we are implementing kid bags. This is extra food for families with school-age children. We are asking our wonderful community to help us with this. Monetary donations can be best as we have a greater buying power (for cost) than the public with our partnerships with local stores and suppliers. We thank you in advance for your generosity and for stepping up to help our community in need. -Bremerton Foodline

If you would like to know how you can participate in Team Bell Real Estate Feeding The Heart Food Drive contact us.
Please enjoy the photos below throughout the years of Feeding the Heart Food Drive.
Final Numbers 2021 – Infinity Real Estate Great Give Back
Brittney Bell, Sarah Purves, Manager of Bremerton Foodline, Cheryl Larriva, and Jenny Wetter. – 2021
Thank You!
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